September 23, 2024

Registration of personal data databases

1. Legislation

Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 07/02/2019 No.ZRU-547 “On personal data”;

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 08.02.2020 No. 71 “On approval of the Regulations on the State Registry of Personal Data Bases”.

2. The legal basis for the registration of personal data databases
According to Article 20 of the Law “On personal data”, personal data databases are subject to registration in the State Registry of Personal Data Databases. Such registration is carried out by the owner and (or) the operator of the database by notifying the Personalization Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Personal data databases containing the following personal data are not subject to registration:

  • Data related to participants (members) of a public association or a religious organization and processed accordingly by a public association or a religious organization, provided that personal data will not be distributed or disclosed to third parties;
  • Data made publicly available by the subject;
  • Data that includes only the last name, first name, and patronymic of the subjects;
  • Data required for a single entry of a subject into the territory where the owner and/or operator are located, or for other similar purposes;
  • Data included in personal data information systems that have the status of state-automated information systems;
  • Data processed without the use of automation tools;
  • Data processed under labor legislation.

3. Regulators in the field of registration of personal data databases

3.1. Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan approves the procedure for registration of personal data databases in the State Registry of Personal Data Databases.

3.2. Personalization Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The Personalization Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Agency) maintains the State Registry and ensures the integrity of information in it. The certificate of registration of the personal database in the State Register of Personal Data Bases is also issued by the Agency.

4. The procedure for registration of personal data databases

To register databases of personal data, the owner and (or) the operator

  • prepares an application indicating the relevant data based on a sample approved by law;
  • submits an application to the Agency via the website <>in electronic form. The application can be submitted in paper form.

After receiving the application, the Agency within 15 days:

  • accepts the submitted application of the owner and (or) the operator of the personal data database for registration in the State Register.
    verifies the availability of the required information in the application in full.
    decides on the registration of the personal database in the State Register or on the refusal of registration.
    sends to the applicant:

a) when deciding on registration in the State Register, a Certificate of registration of the personal data database in the State Register of Personal Data Databases;

b) when deciding to refuse registration in the State Register, a refusal decision.

5. The procedure for making changes and additions to the personal databases and the procedure for excluding the personal database from the State Registry

If it becomes necessary to make changes and additions to the information on registration of the personal database in the State Registry, the owner and (or) the operator must send an electronic notification via the information system for maintaining the State Registry within ten days from the date of occurrence of these changes and additions.

The Agency, in accordance with the notification sent by the owner and (or) the operator, within five days from the date of receipt of the notification, makes appropriate changes and additions to the previously entered information.

Changes and additions are made without changing the registration number of the personal database in the State Registry.

The exclusion of the personal database from the State Registry is carried out in the following cases:

  • based on the statement of the owner and (or) the operator on the exclusion of the personal database from the State Registry;
  • upon suspension or termination of the activities of the owner and/or operator;
  • upon the occurrence of the period of processing of personal data specified in the application or the period of their termination;
  • based on a court decision to suspend the processing of personal data of the owner and (or) the operator.

6. Notification of the exclusion of the personal database from the State Registry

Within ten days from the date of completion of the processing of personal data, the owner or operator must send an electronic notification to the Agency about the exclusion of the database from the State Register.

After the exclusion of the personal database from the State Register, its registration number is no longer used, and the previously issued Certificate of registration of the personal database in the State Register of Personal Data Bases expires.