July 14, 2023

Regulation on procedure for application of tax and customs privileges for business entities under the Program “20 thousand entrepreneurs – 500 thousand qualified specialists” was adopted

07.07.2023 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 279 “On measures for implementing the program “20 thousand entrepreneurs – 500 thousand qualified specialists” was adopted.

According to the Resolution, entrepreneurs whose employees are included in the “Unified Register of Social Protection” who have worked for at least 1 year and who make up at least 20% of the total number of employees, have the right to receive property and land tax benefits.

The rates of property and land taxes for entrepreneurs are reduced depending on the number of jobs they have created:

  • from 51 to 100 new jobs – reduced by 50%;
  • from 101 to 200 new jobs – reduced by 75%;
  • more than 200 new jobs – exemption from payment of these taxes.

From now on, entrepreneurs participating in the Program have the right to pay all types of taxes in installments without collateral and interest, with the exception of VAT and those paid by them as tax agents. The following terms are provided:

  • for entrepreneurs creating from 51 to 100 new jobs – 3 months;
  • for entrepreneurs creating from 101 to 200 new jobs – 6 months;
  • for entrepreneurs creating more than 200 new jobs – 12 months.

There is no tax audit for entrepreneurs creating from 51 to 200 new jobs.

All types of tax audits are canceled for entrepreneurs creating more than 200 new jobs.

The “green corridor” regime is applied to entrepreneurs who comply with customs procedures.

Entrepreneurs participating in the Program conclude relevant cooperation agreements with the khokimiyats and ministries.