December 23, 2024
Business and Operational Licenses
1. Activities carried out under the general civil law capacity
These are rather capabilities that are implemented through certain activities. Such general capacity activities belong to all persons, depending on their nature, whether individuals or legal entities. It may be a purchase of office equipment, shares, sale of a company’s vehicle, etc. operations, doings, activities, and inactions comparable to the physiology of natural persons. In other words, these capacities are vital for the existence or functioning of the person. The mere incorporation of a legal entity is sufficient for the legal entities to carry on this category of activities.
2. Business (Economic) activities
These types of economic activities are specified in the charter of a legal entity, including LLCs, and they are intended mainly for the state authorities (i.e. notification of tax and statistical organs). Nevertheless, legal entities, including LLCs, may carry out any other types of business activities not specified in their charter and also can change their initially selected types of economic activities.
In Uzbekistan, the types of economic activities are classified and enlisted in the сlassifier (OKED).
3. Licensing (permitting, notification) activities
These are activities that business entities can undertake upon receiving administrative authorization in the form of a license, permit, or notification.
License (permit, notification)
In Uzbekistan, there are three types of administrative authorization procedures: licensing, permitting, and notification. To carry out certain specific activities, it is necessary to either obtain a license or a permission document or notify the authorized body. Thus, which authorization procedure an LLC should undergo depends on the type of activity it wants to perform. The types of licensing (permitting, notification) activities are listed in Law “On licensing, permitting and notification procedures” dd. 14.07.2021 No. ZRU-701 (“Law on licensing”).
License (See Annex 1 below)
License is an administrative permission that is directly related to a type of business activity and often matches the economic activities are classified and enlisted in the Classifier. A license can be compared to an entrance ticket. Without a license, it is simply impossible to carry out the corresponding type of activity. And activities without a license are in violation of the law.
The activity of the legal entity when there is no license must be suspended.
Permit and Notification (See Annexes 2 and 3 below)
Permits and notifications do not necessarily pertain directly to a legal entity’s core business or economic activities. Some activities or actions may support business operations without constituting the business itself, such as atmospheric emissions, water pollution, or the use of specific equipment or tools like explosives or high-frequency devices. Permits and notifications are a kind of admission to perform individual operations or to use certain technologies and equipment (tools). Without permits and notifications, it is also impossible to carry out the corresponding actions, but in case of violations, some of them are penalized and some – suspended. But as a general rule, the legal entities’ other operations are not necessarily suspended.
See also: Licensing, permitting, and notification procedures in Uzbekistan. General procedure