May 20, 2024

Creating favorable conditions for business entities to provide services in the field of digital technologies through international platforms

On 15.03.2024, Presidential Decree No. PP-129 “On measures to create favorable conditions for business entities to provide services in the field of digital technologies through international platforms” was adopted.

According to document, the Ministry of Digital Technologies is the authorized body for the implementation and coordination of the legal experiment, the term of which is one year. It is determined that starting from April 1, 2024, within the framework of the legal experiment, contracts (agreement, invoice, invoice) executed by residents of the Technology Park of Software Products and Information Technology (hereinafter – IT-Park) for the export of services in the field of digitalization (according to the list of activities allowed to them) in electronic form on international platforms with a value of up to USD 100,000 (or in an amount equal to this equivalent) are recognized as an electronic document and their paper copies are not required. The list of international platforms on which the execution of contracts for export of digitalization services is allowed is approved by the Ministry of Digital Technologies and the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade.

Within the framework of the legal experiment:

  • a foreign trade transaction in ordinary written form with participation of an IT-Park resident is considered concluded if the offer is accepted by notification (acceptance) of the readiness of the second party to conclude the contract;
  • mutual settlements under foreign trade transaction are made by IT-Park residents exclusively through settlement account in a commercial bank of Uzbekistan;
  • exchange of program codes using electronic or other means of communication, information systems or information networks or mutual exchange of documents of the parties and other documents clearly reflecting the essence of their will shall be equated to a transaction concluded in writing;
  • for residents of the IT Park it is obligatory to regularly enter relevant data on foreign trade transactions into the Unified Electronic Information System of Foreign Trade Transactions via the Unified Portal of Interactive Public Services.