September 15, 2023

The Directorate of the free economic zone will be engaged in concluding agreements on the implementation of investment projects.

On 08.09.2023, Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 452 “On Approval of the Administrative Regulations for the Provision of Public Services to Investors in the Territory of Special Economic Zones” came into force.

From December 1, 2023, it is possible to get the services for:

– placement of investment projects;

– registration of participants;

– conclusion of agreements on the implementation of investment projects; and

– conclusion of lease agreements.

besides the Unified Portal of Interactive Public Services of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Public Service Centers, directly from the Directorate of Special Economic Zones.

From the moment of receipt of the application and the documents attached to it, the Directorate:

– within 10 days makes a decision on the implementation of the investment project;

– puts up the required area of a land plot or building for an online auction;

– concludes an agreement with the winner of the auction on the implementation of an investment project.

After submitting the necessary documents and making a one-time fee by the applicant, the Directorate registers the investor as a participant in the Free Economic Zone.