November 20, 2023

The legislation on business licensing has been amended

On 15.11.2023, the President signed Law ZRU No. 878, which introduced the following amendments and additions. The law comes into force 3 months after its official publication.

In the Code of Administrative Responsibility – violation of sanitary legislation, sanitary norms, rules, and hygienic standards entails the imposition of a fine:

  • on citizens – from 5 to 10 BCV (previously – from 1 to 3 BCV);
  • on officials – from 15 to 20 BCV (previously – from 5 to 10 BCV).

To the Law “On Licensing, Licensing and Notification Procedures”:

the basis for refusing an application for a license or a document of a permissive nature is a ban on obtaining a license for one year for activities provided for by law, or to a person engaging in a separate type of activity based on a court decision (verdict).

A license or a document of a permissive nature is canceled in the following cases:

– systematic (2 or more times within 1 year) violation by the licensee or a person who has received a document of a permissive nature of licensing or permissive requirements and conditions;

– a single gross violation by the licensee or a person who has received a document of a permissive nature of licensing or licensing requirements and conditions, if these violations have led to harm to the life and health of citizens, damage to the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, public safety and environmental damage, damage to the interests of society and the state, creating a threat to peace and security.

In case of cancellation, the license is not reissued within 1 year for the types of activities defined by the legislation and for new business entities created by the founder or the beneficial owner of the business entity.

The Ministry of Investment, Industry, and Trade has been appointed as the authorized body in the field of licensing and notification procedures for the following activities:

  • wholesale of alcoholic beverages;
  • activities for the production and wholesale of beer and beer beverages.

Wholesale trade in tobacco products is carried out by notification of the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade.

Retail sale of tobacco products is carried out in the order of notification of district (city) tax inspections on the ground.